
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Vitamin E nutrient, an important fat-soluble antioxidant compound which help prevent oxidative stress to the body, and other vitamins within the body.Fat-soluble antioxidant compound is in reality an array of elements characterized into Tocopherols and Tocotrienols. These substances further divide into alpha, beta, gamma, delta Tocopherol and Tocotrienol.  However, in individuals, vitamin E exists in the most active type of alpha-tocopherol.

Importance of Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential as this prevents excess oxidisation in the body protecting further from production of free radical substances, a major harbinger of chronic ailments and degenerative diseases that attacks immune health. Adequate amounts of vitamin E can help protect against heart disease, cancer, and age related eye damage (macular degeneration).

Daily Requirement of Vitamin E
The daily requirement of vitamin E content for adults is 20 mg.  Since the body cannot naturally synthesise vitamin E compounds, it is imperative to include foods enriched with vitamin E as part of a daily diet.  Furthermore, to enjoy the maximum benefits of the vitamin it is advisable to eat them fresh as cooking destroys the active element.Vitamin E foods,listed below, are considered to be safe and healthy.

Vitamin E Rich Foods

Green Veggies

Green veggies and leaves like Broccoli, Collard Greens, Kale, turnip greens, Spinach, Swiss chard and Mustard Greens make excellent sources of vitamin E offering essential nutrients and antioxidant compounds to the body.  These provide excellent benefits when cooked lightly or include them as part of healthy salads and dressings.

Raw Seeds
Raw seeds are among the vitamin e rich foods. Raw Sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are other substances filled with vitamin E elements.  ¼ cup of sunflower seeds provides 90.5% of the required daily value.  These make awesome garnishes and are best when consumed in their raw state.

Luscious Fruits
Fruits such as kiwi, Mangoes and Papayas hold huge quantities of vitamin C content. Papaya, although known for its high vitamin C substance is also good sources of vitamin E offering 17% of the daily-required value.  While half a cup of sliced mangoes provides 0.7 mg of this vitamin, a medium sized kiwi consists of 1.1 mg.  Include these luscious fruits in shakes or take them mixed with yogurt or fruit salad.  Nevertheless consuming these healthy fruits in their ripe state would be an excellent idea.

Crunchy Nuts

Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts and pine nuts make great snack options.  Containing abundant quantities of vitamin E, 100 grams of almonds hold about 26.2 milligrams, while snacking on an ounce of Hazelnut provides 20% of daily-required amount.  One serving each of pine nuts too offer 2.6 milligram of this vital nutrient.  Although almond milk, hazelnut milk, almond oil and pine nut oil contain substantial quantities of vitamin E, it is better to eat them whole to get wholesome nutrition.

Plant Oils
Plant oils too make good sources of vitamin E with wheat germ being the best source as it offers 100% of the daily-required amount in one teaspoon.  Another excellent source, that makes good cooking oil, is sunflower oil providing about 5 mg of this vital vitamin.  Other oils like safflower, olive, cottonseed, coconut and hemp-seed too offer approximately 5 mg of this vitamin.  However, it is advisable to take them in their organic cold pressed form.    

Dried Herbs 
Dried Herbs such as Oregano and Basil bestow 7.38mg of vitamin E per 100 gram serving. Others herbs dense with this essential compound include cumin, thyme and sage.  Besides, using them in pastas and pizzas these make ideal toppings for salads and sandwiches.

Some fishes like Shellfish (Shrimp), Rainbow Trout (a species of salmonid) contains abundant quantities of vitamin E, 100 grams of Shellfish hold about 2.2 milligrams, and 2.8 milligram in Rainbow Trout.

Health Benefits of Vitamin E

Widely known health benefit of vitamin E is in skin care and hair care. Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E promotes the circulation of blood to the scalp. Vitamin E helps alleviate fatigue and strengthen capillary walls while nourishing the cells.

Reduced Risk of Heart Disease - Vitamin E thins the blood, which is a significant health benefit. Vitamin E is thought to help prevent heart disease by inhibiting oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and helping to prevent blood clots which could lead to a heart attack.  High levels of vitamin E reduce the risk of sunstroke and coronary artery disorder or heart disease.Studies report mixed results as to the effectiveness of supplements.

Reduced Cancer Risk - Vitamin E may help reduce cancer risk by acting as an antioxidant and by preventing formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines formed in the stomach from nitrites in foods.

Alleviation of Chronic Inflammation - Preliminary studies show that vitamin E can help mediate the inflammatory response, and may help those with type II diabetes, or chronic heart failure, who suffer from chronic inflammation.

The health benefits of vitamin E come from its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants remove free radicals — the unstable compounds that damage the cell structure. Immunity levels improve when vitamin E is consumed.

Pure vitamin E oil is extremely versatile. A major benefit of vitamin E oil for the skin is that it helps the healing process. As vitamin E is absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin, it can be used for treating sunburn or protecting you from the sun.

Wonderful benefit of vitamin E oil is that it can be used to treat scars, acne, and wrinkles because it speeds up cell regeneration. This creates an anti-aging effect, which makes the skin look younger. 

Vitamin E oil benefits the skin by helping it retain its natural moisture content. Vitamin E oil makes dull-looking, dry skin look healthier and fresher. You can apply a few drops of vitamin E oil to your nails and cuticles which is an effective way of treating the skin.


High doses of vitamin E supplements can greatly suppress blood coagulation and clotting thus increasing risk of excessive bleeding or hemorrhage.

Nuts, seeds, and oils are high calorie foods and should be eaten in moderate amounts by people with a high body mass index.

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